9, 10, & 11 September 2011
29 March 2011
Greetings to the graduates and friends of the "class of 1961" of Rapid City High School.
The committee has been meeting for several months and we have put together a great weekend of activities, food, fun, and music to create the best celebration ever. We are hoping for a large turnout, and encouraging EARLY registration on the back of this letter.
The approved schedule of events and activities schedule are at attached at Annex A & B.
More specific details are available on the web site: www.rchs61.org
Rooms are available for $114.00 per night at the Rushmore Plaza Holiday Inn. Refer to "class of 61", or contact Black Hills Central Reservations at 1-800-727-4324, or
www.blackhillvacations.com .The booklet this year will be printed in 8 ½ X 11 size at a cost of $ 12.00 each. The booklet will consist of a before picture (from Annual), a write up of your CURRENT life and interests (100 words or less) and a current picture of classmate or family (non returnable). Pictures and write up can be emailed to Tracy Davis at
tedavis1973@gmail.com or sent back along with your registration form. Please print, type or attach additional sheet.Booklet Narrative:_______________________________________________________
Appendix A