RCHS Class of "61"

Reunion Committee Meeting Minutes

11 January 2011 50th Year (2011)

  1. Attendance
    1. Present
      1. Earl McKinstry
      2. Phyllis Stevens
      3. Les Davis
      4. Bev Leech
      5. Linda Laughlin
      6. Roger Lauer
      7. John Quinn
      8. Karen Raben


  2. Welcome
    1. The meeting was called to order by John Quinn at 6:30 PM at NAU, Presidents Conference Room in Rapid City.

  3. Minutes
    1. The minutes of the 12 October 2010 meeting were read and approved. Minutes will be emailed to all and posted on the RCHS web site.

  4. Treasurers Report
    1. Linda reported that the balance on hand was $2141.11. There are no current outstanding bills.

  5. Committee Reports
    1. Web site – The web site managed by Ron Laughlin continues to be active and classmates are encouraged to send updated pictures, etc. to Ron at cobblers@rchs61.org so they can be posted to the web site. www.rchs61.org
    2. Reunion Place – Canyon Lake Resort and Rushmore Plaza Holiday Inn
      1. Registration Fee – Questions remain concerning the $80.00 registration fee per person. The committee outlined some details of the changes at the Canyon Lake Resort and the Rushmore Plaza Holiday Inn.

      Canyon Lake Resort - $ 30.00 per person charge includes food (sliced beef brisket, variety of chips and dips, and dessert)area rental fee, set up fee, clean up fee, bartenders, wait staff and sales tax. This does not include any beverages.

      Rushmore Plaza Holiday Inn - $31.00 per person for food, will be choice of Grilled Salmon, Lemon Pepper Flat Iron, or Pesto Chicken Roulade, this includes tax and gratuity. Other expenses inclued Dakota Ball room ($449.00), parquet Dance Floor ($161.00), One bar set up (must purchase minimum amount of $ 300.00), and hospitality room ($129.00). Other fees include $ 120 for audio visual equipment.

      Other – The committee will utilize part of the registration fee for printing and postage for mailings.

      This does not include the $12.00 for the booklet, golf or the wine tour which are optional and extra.

    3. Hospitality Committee – No Report
    4. Decorations Committee – No report
    5. Booklet – Les Davis – Les reported that Copy Country will be printing the booklet in 8 ½ X 11 size and the cost to classmates would be $12.00 each. Les indicated that the page would consist of a before picture (from annual), a current write up of 100 words or less and a current picture of classmate or family (non returnable). Pictures and write up can be emailed to Tracy Davis at tedavis@gmail.com or sent back with the registration form.
    6. Registration/Correspondence
    7. 1. Toni has emailed a list of missing classmates that can be reviewed on the web site and email either Toni at purrfectcats@hotmail.com or Ron Laughlin at cobblers@rchs61.org with any information you have. Les Davis indicated that he had completed the current data base of names and addresses.

      2. Linda drafted the registration form and presented it to the committee. Earl and Linda will work on the final revision of the form and email to the committee members. The form will be finalized at the 29 March meeting and mailed out that week by Roger Lauer.

    8. Activities
      1. Golf – Chairman – Les Davis – Les has contracted with Meadowbrook Golf Course for 18 holes and a cart for $ 40.00. He also indicated that there will be a $ 20.00 deposit (non refundable) at the time of registration and the remainder paid on Saturday the 10th of September at the course. The format will be a four person scramble with t-times starting at 7:20 AM.
      2. Hike Buzzards Roost –Chairman – Tim Raben - Car pool will depart from Baken Park Shopping parking lot at 9:00 AM for drive up hwy 44. There is a 6 mile or 2 mile hike option.
      3. Bus trip to Hill City – Chairman – John Quinn – The bus trip to the Prairie Berry Winery, Hill City for lunch and the ride to Keystone on the 1880 train will be $ 40.00 with a $20.00 deposit (non refundable) at the time of registration with the remainder due on Saturday the 10th of September. The $40.00 fee pays for the round trip bus fare and the 1880 train ride. Lunch in Hill City is on your own. Possibilities for lunch will be the Alpine Inn, Desperados Restaurant or other.
      4. Van trip to Deadwood – Chairman – Mike Gustafson – Van will depart Holiday Inn at 8:30 and return by 3:30. Van ride will be free compliments of 1st Gold, with lunch on your own.
      5. Memorabilia Table at Holiday Inn in the hospitality Room – Co-chairmen –Phyllis Stevens and Janell McKinstry
      6. Remembrance Time – Canyon Lake Park Shelter – Earl indicated that he had rented the large shelter at Canyon Lake from 10:30 AM to 4:00 PM for $ 50.00.

      Attached at Annex B is the final approved schedule of activities.

    9. Miscellaneous –

1. The committee will send our class counselor Jerry Tracy and his wife a registration form inviting them to the reunion at no cost.

    1. A final approved schedule of events is attached at Annex A.
    2. The committee discussed the Shutterbox offer of a photo booth at the reunion. The committee indicated that they thought it was too expensive and voted not to contract with them.

VI. Next Meeting – The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 29 March 2011 at 6:30 PM at the NAU Presidents Conference Room in Rapid City.

VII. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM

Respectfully submitted, Earl McKinstry, recorder