RCHS Class of "61"

Reunion Committee Meeting Minutes

12 October 2010 50th Year (2011)

  1. Attendance
    1. Present
      1. Earl McKinstry
      2. Sandra McCambridge
      3. Les Davis
      4. Duke Goodell
      5. Linda (Moore) Peters
      6. Roger Lauer
      7. John Quinn
      8. Karen Raben


  2. Welcome
    1. The meeting was called to order by John Quinn at 6:30 PM at NAU, Presidents Conference Room in Rapid City.
    2. There was a presentation by Shutterbox offering a photo booth that could be available for the reunion. The cost was $ 950 for 4 hours and action on this was tabled until the January meeting. Classmates can visit web site at www.shutterbox-sd.com for more information.
  3. Minutes
    1. The minutes of the 17 August 2010 meeting were read and approved. Minutes will be emailed to all and posted on the RCHS web site.
  4. Treasurers Report
    1. John Quinn reported for Linda that the balance on hand was $ 2141.11. There are no current outstanding bills.

  5. Committee Reports
    1. Web site – The web site managed by Ron Laughlin continues to be active and classmates are encouraged to send updated pictures, etc. to Ron at cobblers@rchs61.org so they can be posted to the web site. www.rchs61.org
    2. Reunion Date – The dates for the 50th year reunion are Friday, Saturday and Sunday the 9th, 10th and 11th of September 2011.
    3. Reunion Place
      1. As noted in the 26 January minutes the place for the reunion has been solidified by Karen Raben and Julie Ward. We will be at the Canyon Lake Resort for the Friday Mixer and The Rushmore Plaza Holiday Inn for the banquet and dance on Saturday night.
      2. The Montana Room has been secured for a hospitality room at the Holiday Inn and the Ball Room rented with a cash bar available as well as the dance floor. John Quinn has agreed to be the MC again and will work on a program for that night.
      3. A deejay, Brain Fisher has been contracted for the evening for $ 400 to $ 500 depending on the length of the dance.
      4. A block of rooms have been reserved at the Holiday Inn at a rate of $ 114 per room. Reservations can be made by calling Black Hills Central Reservations at 1-800-727-4324 and mention the class of "61" reunion.
      5. Hospitality Committee – Three classmates agreed to be the hospitality committee, Linda (Moore)Peters, Marlis (Knutson) Legner, and Bev Leech. This will include registration tables at Canyon Lake Resort and the Holiday Inn. The committee will contact Sandy Hintz at the Rapid City chamber for help printing name tags.
      6. Decorations Committee – Sandra McCambridge volunteered to head up this committee with Roger Lauer on the committee. Karen Raben noted that she had 3 boxes of decorations from the class of ’60 that we might be able to use.
      7. Registration fee – Classmates had emailed Duke concerning the $ 80.00 each registration fee for the reunion. This was discussed at length and it was noted that the committee had voted at the January 2010 meeting to set the fee at $80.00 each. Karen said that this included the food and rent at both the Canyon Lake Resort and the Rushmore Plaza Holiday Inn. The committee recommended that we keep the registration fee at $ 80.00 each.
    4. Booklet – Les Davis reported that he had checked prices for printing the booklet at the Little Print Shop and at Copy Country and the better price was with Copy Country at $10.00 to $12.00 each booklet. The format was discussed and Karen Raben showed a copy of the Class of ’60 booklet which was well done. Their booklet was 8 ½ by 11 and the committee recommended that our 50 year booklet be the same size. The basic format would be a high school graduation picture (possibly from the Pine Cone) and a current picture with 50 words or less classmate information. Details will be finalized in January and sent out with the March registration form.
    5. Registration/Correspondence
    6. 1. Toni has emailed a list of missing classmates that can be reviewed on the web site and email either Toni at purrfectcats@hotmail.com or Ron Laughlin at cobblers@rchs61.org with any information you have. Les Davis indicated that he had completed the current data base of names and addresses.

      2. Almost 400 post cards were sent out to Classmates by Roger Lauer and several were returned as address not found. These retuned post cards were given to Les Davis to update the data base and information forwarded to Toni so she and her committee can pursue missing classmates.

      3. The registration form will be drafted at the January meeting in 2011 and will be sent in March 2011.

    7. Activities
      1. Golf – Chairman – Les Davis – Les has contacted Red Rocks and Hart Ranch and both have the same price, $55.00 for 18 holes with a cart. Less will follow up after the first of the year and details will be in the registration form. Les indicated that either course would require a deposit at the time of registration and the remained on Saturday the 10th of September.
      2. Hike Buzzards Roost –Chairman – Tim Raben - Car pool will depart from Baken Park Shopping parking lot at 9:00 AM for drive up hwy 44. There is a 6 mile or 2 mile hike option.
      3. Bus trip to Hill City – Chairman – John Quinn – John indicated that he would have a firm price for the bus ride to Hill City by January so it can be included on the registration form sent out in March.
      4. Van trip to Deadwood – Chairman – Mike Gustafson – Van will depart Holiday Inn at 8:30 and return by 3:30. Van ride will be free compliments of 1st Gold, with lunch on your own.
      5. Memorabilia Table at Holiday Inn in the hospitality Room – Co-chairmen –Phyllis Stevens and Janell McKinstry
      6. Remembrance Time and Pot Luck – Canyon Lake Park Shelter – Earl indicated that he would look into renting a shelter at Canyon Lake Park for Sunday morning.

      Attached at Annex B is a tentative schedule of activities with further details and costs to be determined.

    8. Miscellaneous –
      1. The committee will send our class counselor Jerry Tracy and his wife a registration form inviting them to the reunion at no cost.
      2. A tentative schedule of events was approved and is attached at Annex A.

    VI. Next Meeting – The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 11 January 2011 at 6:30 PM at the NAU Presidents Conference Room in Rapid City.

    VII. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM

    Respectfully submitted, Earl McKinstry, recorder