RCHS Class of "61"

Reunion Committee Meeting Minutes

26 July 2011 50th Year (2011)

  1. Attendance
    1. Present
      1. Earl McKinstry
      2. Les Davis
      3. Linda Laughlin
      4. Marlis Legner
      5. Mary Margaret Clark
      6. Roger Lauer
      7. John Quinn
      8. Karen Raben
      9. Linda Peters
      10. Phyllis Stevens
      11. Sandra McCambridge

  2. Welcome
    1. The meeting was called to order by John Quinn at 6:30 PM at NAU, Presidents Conference Room in Rapid City.

  3. Minutes
    1. The minutes of the 7 June 2011 meeting were read and approved. Minutes will be emailed to all and posted on the RCHS web site.

  4. Treasurers Report
    1. Balance on hand was reported as $ 11,638.75

  5. Committee Reports
    1. Web site – The web site managed by Ron Laughlin continues to be active and classmates are encouraged to send updated pictures, etc. to Ron at cobblers@rchs61.org so they can be posted to the web site. www.rchs61.org
    2. Reunion Place
      1. Canyon Lake Resort – Final arrangements have been made. We have made a $ 250 deposit and we only have to pay for the number attending/served that evening.
      2. Rushmore Plaza Holiday Inn – Karen and Julie have talked to them and we have scaled back a few items to save funds. The hospitality room was canceled and we will use a smaller room for the banquet. In addition the DJ has been scaled back to 2 hours instead of 3 hours at some savings. Otherwise we will give them the final count for the banquet on Tuesday 6 Sept depending on registrations.

    3. Hospitality Committee – The committee indicated that they would set up the registration table by 3:00 PM on Friday afternoon at the Canyon Lake Resort. Registration packets will be available with copies of the booklet that have been ordered. Additional Patches will be for sale as well as the 50th year memory mugs.
    4. The Black Hills Badlands and Lakes Association will print the name tags for free. Marlis will pick them up on Friday. Earl indicated that he would bring a cash box and some receipt books to registration.

      As there will not be a hospitality room at the Holiday Inn the Saturday registration will be set up in the lobby at 9:00 AM with patches and mugs for sale. There will be a couple of tables in the lobby for memrobialia items to be displayed.

    5. Decorations Committee – Sandra McCambridge indicated that she and the committee will be at the Canyon Lake Resort at 3:00 PM to set up decorations. Anyone interested in helping with decorations is welcome to come and pitch in. The cash bar will be open!
    6. Booklet – Les Davis –and Tracy Davis noted that information and pictures have been coming in slowly and the final cut off will be 1 August in order to get the printing done. Right now they are looking at printing 150 booklets plus or minus that gives us a few extras to sell. The price is $ 12.00 each. The committee voted to compensate Tracy for all her work at a minimum of $ 500.
    7. Registration/Correspondence – Linda Laughlin indicated that there was about 140 registered at this time and the cut off had been extended to 1 August 2011.
    8. Activities
      1. Golf – Chairman – Les Davis – Les indicated that there were only 14 signed up for golf but he expected at least 6 to 8 more. T-times start at 7:30 AM at Meadowbrook. The 2nd half of the $40.00 green fee can be paid to Les on Saturday morning at the course.
      2. Hike Buzzards Roost –Chairman – Tim Raben - No charge, still meet at Baken Park on Saturday morning.
      3. Bus trip to Hill City – Chairman – John Quinn – John indicated that there were 21 signed up so far and he would check with the bus company to see about 1 or 2 vans instead of the bus. Remainder of the $ 40.00 fee can be paid to John on Saturday morning before leaving.
      4. Van trip to Deadwood – Chairman – Mike Gustafson - Earl indicated that there is no charge for the van ride to Deadwood but Gus needed the numbers as soon as possible to see how many vans are needed. 12 signed up so far.
      5. Memorabilia Table at Holiday Inn Co-chairmen –Phyllis Stevens and Janell McKinstry Table will be set up Saturday morning in the lobby and classmates can browse memorabilia anytime during the day. Classmates that have memorabilia that they would like to display are asked to mark them carefully so they can be returned and bring them as soon as possible on Saturday morning.
      6. Remembrance Time – Optional get together at Canyon Lake Shelter on Sunday morning. Canyon Lake Shelter # 1 has been reserved from 10:30 AM until 4:00 PM. No alcohol in the park. Bring a snack to share.

VI. Final Meeting – The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 6 Sept 2011 at 6:30 PM at the NAU Presidents Conference Room in Rapid City. Final details and wrap up.

VII. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM

Respectfully submitted, Earl McKinstry, recorder