RCHS Class of "61"
Reunion Committee Meeting Minutes
26 July 2011 50th Year (2011)
The Black Hills Badlands and Lakes Association will print the name tags for free. Marlis will pick them up on Friday. Earl indicated that he would bring a cash box and some receipt books to registration.
As there will not be a hospitality room at the Holiday Inn the Saturday registration will be set up in the lobby at 9:00 AM with patches and mugs for sale. There will be a couple of tables in the lobby for memrobialia items to be displayed.
VI. Final Meeting The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 6 Sept 2011 at 6:30 PM at the NAU Presidents Conference Room in Rapid City. Final details and wrap up.
VII. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM
Respectfully submitted, Earl McKinstry, recorder