RCHS Class of "61"

Reunion Committee Meeting Minutes

12 January 2010

50th Year (2011)

  1. Attendance
    1. Present
      1. Earl McKInstry
      2. Duke Goodell
      3. Linda Laughlin
      4. Marlis Legner
      5. Linda(Moore)Peters
      6. Roger Lauer
      7. Karen Raben
      8. Julie Ward
      9. John Quinn
      10. Hugh Martin
      11. Les Davis
      12. Mary Margaret Clark
  2. Welcome
    1. This was the first meeting concerning the 50th year reunion for the class of 61 of RCHS.
    2. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM at the NAU Lecture Hall in Rapid City
  3. Minutes
    1. The minutes of the 11 November 2009 preliminary meeting were read and approved. Minutes will be emailed to all and posted on the RCHS web site as we progress.
  4. Treasurers Report
    1. Linda Laughlin reported that the balance on hand was $ 2391.00
    2. The committee indicated that the web site fee should be paid to Ron Laughlin.




  5. Committee Reports
    1. Web site – The web site continues to be operational since the last reunion thanks to Ron Laughlin. Committee members encouraged all class mates to send items to Ron for the web site; pictures, events, etc. to strike up interest in the 50th year reunion. www.rchs61.org
    2. Reunion Date – There was considerable discussion concerning the date for the reunion. Traditionally we have had the reunion in June but several options were discussed and the fall dates of 9, 10 and 11 September 2011 were approved for the 50th year reunion.
    3. Reunion Place – Again there were several ideas presented by the committee members and the discussion centered around some place in the hills, like Deadwood or Spearfish vs. Rapid City. The committee decided that having the reunion in Rapid City would have the best chance to get more attendees. Secondly there was considerable discussion as to where in Rapid City to hold the reunion. All committee members had input and several ideas were discussed. The committee recommended the Canyon Lake Chop House (Canyon Lake Resort) for the Friday night mixer. In addition three possible sites for the main hotel and banquet were brought up including the Rushmore Plaza Holiday Inn, the Radisson and the Ramkota. A sub committee of Karen Raben and Julie Ward was appointed to research these possible places including available dates, prices, etc. with a report back to the next meeting for a final decision.
    4. Booklet – The committee discussed the printing of another class booklet as the last one was 10 years ago. The committee indicated that we should do another booklet and Les Davis’s daughter Tracy has agreed to help us publish the booklet again this time. Format, cost, etc. will be further discussed and decided at a future meeting. The committee did indicate that the annual picture (before) and a current picture (now) with a short article like we did last time might be something to consider.
    5. Registration/Correspondence – Again, Toni has agreed to help with correspondence, addresses, etc. but the committee asked for additional help for Toni here in Rapid City. The registration Form will be worked on when the place, schedule and price are finalized. If class mates know of the whereabouts of lost class mates (on the web site) please email Duke (duke@rap.midco.net ) or Toni purrfectcats@hotmail.com The time frame for future correspondence was discussed and it was decided to do a blanket email soon with as much detail as possible, a post card to all in the Summer and then send out the registration form in the spring of 2011.
    6. Activities – Multiple ideas were discussed concerning activities on the Saturday of the reunion. Trips to the hills including Deadwood, Hill City Winery, etc. were discussed with no final decision. The committee did recommend a golf tournament on Saturday morning and Les Davis volunteered to head up this event again. Ideas from classmates can be emailed to Duke.
    7. Banquet/Dance – The committee recommended a nice banquet on Saturday night with a dance to follow. John Quinn agreed to MC and details will be worked out at future meetings.
    8. Miscellaneous –
      1. The schedule of events will be worked on once the place, etc. has been locked in.
      2. The committee indicated that there should be a memorial type remembrance some time during the reunion. Format, etc. to be determined.
      3. The committee indicated that we should try and contact or class counselors, Jerry Tracy and Marge (Larson) Reeder and invite them to the reunion. A committee member indicated that he had seen Jerry Tracy and that he had his 80th birthday recently.





  6. Next Meeting
    1. The next reunion committee meeting will be help jointly with the class lunch at the Colonial House at 11:30 AM on Tuesday the 26th of January 2010. All class mates are invited to come and put their 2 cents in for the reunion. Comments, input, etc. for those out of town can be emailed to Duke.
    2. The next meeting after the Colonial House will be on Tuesday 9 March 2010 at 7:00 PM at the NAU Lecture Hall.
  7. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM

Respectfully submitted, Earl McKinstry, Recorder






50th Year (2011)

RCHS Class of "61"

Reunion Committee Meeting


26 January 2010 – 11:30 AM.

Colonial House, Rapid City, South Dakota 57701

  1. Attendance – pass around sign up sheet with telephone number and email address
  2. Welcome
  3. Minutes – John Quinn
  4. Treasurers Report – Linda Laughlin
  5. Committee Reports
    1. Web site
    2. Reunion Date – 9, 10, 11 September 2011
    3. Reunion Place – Karen and Julie
    4. Reunion Booklet – format? See minutes
    5. Registration/Correspondence - Toni
      1. Blanket email - soon
      2. Post card – Summer 2010
      3. Registration form – Spring 2011
    6. Activities
      1. Golf – Les Davis
      2. Other
    7. Banquet/dance –
    8. Miscellaneous –
      1. Schedule of events

VI. Next Meeting