RCHS Class of "61"

Reunion Committee Meeting Minutes

29 March 2011 50th Year (2011)

  1. Attendance
    1. Present
      1. Earl McKinstry
      2. Janell McKinstry
      3. Tracy Davis
      4. Marlis Legner
      5. Linda Laughlin
      6. Roger Lauer
      7. John Quinn
      8. Karen Raben
      9. Linda Peters
      10. Sue Finley
      11. Marry Margaret Clark

  2. Welcome
    1. The meeting was called to order by John Quinn at 6:30 PM at NAU, Presidents Conference Room in Rapid City.

  3. Minutes
    1. The minutes of the 11 January 2011 meeting were read and approved. Minutes will be emailed to all and posted on the RCHS web site.

  4. Treasurers Report
    1. Linda reported that the balance on hand was $ 1991.11 There will be bills paid to Roger Lauer for printing and postage for the post cards and the registration form. Committee members were encouraged to register on or before the next meeting in order to build up the treasury.

  5. Committee Reports
    1. Web site – The web site managed by Ron Laughlin continues to be active and classmates are encouraged to send updated pictures, etc. to Ron at cobblers@rchs61.org so they can be posted to the web site. www.rchs61.org As Ron has donated the expense of the website the committee voted to comp Ron’s registration fee of $ 80.00 and thanked him for all the work on the site the past 5 years.
    2. Reunion Place – Canyon Lake Resort and Rushmore Plaza Holiday Inn
      1. Karen reported that all arrangements have been confirmed at the Canyon Lake Resort for Friday night and with the Rushmore Plaza Holiday Inn for Saturday. Karen and Linda requested that the menu selections of beef, chicken or fish be added to the registration form so the chef can order appropriate amounts of food for the banquet.

    3. Hospitality Committee – Mary Margaret Clark was added to the hospitality committee. There had been some discussion by classmates of the possibility of printing their picture on the names tags and the committee decided not to add pictures to the name tags. Tracy Davis indicated that as she and Les have the date base of classmates so they can print the name tags for the committee. The committee also asked Karen to check with both the Canyon Lake Resort and the Holiday Inn for some tables that can be set up Friday and Saturday for registration.
    4. Decorations Committee – Sandra McCambridge was not present but Karen indicated that she had a box of decorations that were used by other class reunions that she would bring to the next committee meeting. Roger Lauer also noted that he could secure a large banner that could be put up at the reunion.
    5. Booklet – Les Davis – Tracy Davis was present and indicated that everything was on track to prepare and print this year’s booklet. Details for classmates are on the registration form and Tracy asked that when possible the information should be emailed to her as soon as possible so she can start work on the pages. Tracy’s correct email address is tedavis1973@gmail.com and is correct on the registration form. The incorrect email address was listed in the January minutes. (bad recorder)
    6. Registration/Correspondence
    7. 1. The registration form was drafted by Linda and Earl and was presented to the committee for final approval. The committee approved the registration form as attached at Appendix A and Appendix B and will be printed head to head along with the schedule of events and the activities schedule and sent this week to classmates. Part of the committee will get together with Roger after printing and stuff and address the envelopes. The committee agreed to print the front page of the form in color at a slightly higher cost.

    8. Activities
      1. Golf – Chairman – Les Davis – Les was not present but everything is listed on the registration form to sign up.
      2. Hike Buzzards Roost –Chairman – Tim Raben - See registration form for sign up.
      3. Bus trip to Hill City – Chairman – John Quinn – See registration form for sign up.
      4. Van trip to Deadwood – Chairman – Mike Gustafson – See registration form for sign up.
      5. Memorabilia Table at Holiday Inn in the hospitality Room – Co-chairmen –Phyllis Stevens and Janell McKinstry Table will be set up Saturday morning and classmates can browse memorabilia anytime during the day. Classmates that have memorabilia that they would like to display are asked to mark them carefully so they can be returned and bring them as soon as possible on Saturday morning.
      6. Remembrance Time – Optional get together at Canyon Lake Shelter on Sunday morning.

    9. Miscellaneous –
      1. There was an inquiry by one of our classmates concerning coordination of our class with the current class of 2011 from Rapid City Central High School. After some discussion the committee voted not to do any special coordination at this time.

VI. Next Meeting – The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 7 June 2011 at 6:30 PM at the NAU Presidents Conference Room in Rapid City.

VII. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM

Respectfully submitted, Earl McKinstry, recorder